Home CAREER How to Write Resume/CV As A Fresh Graduate 2020

How to Write Resume/CV As A Fresh Graduate 2020

Resume For Fresh Graduates

Here, we talk about how to write resume as a fresh graduate 2020.

Getting a job without a résumé is not possible. Job searching for a fresh graduate can be very tiring.

Many fresh graduates are bombarded with so many dos and don’ts of résumé or curriculum vitae writing.


So many graduates simply copy from the internet and at the end don’t get the job.

This is always disheartening, disappointing and depressing for a fresh graduate.

No money, no job, a lot of bills to pay and the list goes on.

Don’t worry, this article will outline some tips to write a resume as a fresh graduates. It will answer so many questions about curriculum vitae. These tips will help you write a good résumé and secure that job.

First and foremost understanding that your resume or curriculum vitae said a lot about you to the company, recruiters, departmental manager etc.

It speaks on your behalf.

Another thing is to understand the market or industry you are applying to. The need to understand the expectations of the market or industry.

University Deals

This understanding will helps you to structured your Résumé or Curriculum Vitae.

Some companies culture allow candidates to put their pictures in the resume while some doesn’t want that at all.

Primary School Deals

The structure of that résumé is a guarantee to be invited for an interview. Did I hear you say ” what about the interview? How do I scale through it successfully?” Don’t worry, Career Acada can help you out. Read Fresh Graduates Interview Tips 2020

Again, understanding the job description matters. In the job advert, what are those things highlighted by the recruiters as job description? The skills required, the educational qualifications required etc.

The understanding of the above points are the foundation to structuring your résumé or curriculum vitae not to be rejected.

Find below more tips on how to write resume for fresh graduates.

Tips to Write Resume/CV for fresh graduates

These tips are as follows:

  • Use ATS
  • Maximum of Two Pages
  • Avoid Colouring and Designs
  • Highlight your soft skills
  • Highlight Your Experiences
  • Have a Profile Title
  • Highlight the Keywords in the Résumé


ATS means applicant tracking system. It is a software used by employers or recruiters to scan, rank curriculum vitae submitted by job seekers. Initially ATS was used by very big companies in the world.

However, all kinds of companies, be it small, medium or big companies are using ATS in managing employees’ applications for a job. So make sure your curriculum vitae is in ATS format. It should not be a fancy template but a simple template.

There should be no fancy or heavy design, having a simple layout with simple bullets like squares or triangles etc are very important. Technology has made software available to copy and paste your résumé into to become ATS friendly.

Maximum of Two Pages

The Résumé should be not more than two pages. Recruiters spend less than one (1) minute scanning through your resume/CV. Then, it shouldn’t be too bulky.

Make it simple and well structured. As a fresh graduate your Resume/CV should not exceed two pages.

Resumes are not an articles.

So let it be brief telling people about your  skills, educational background, achievement if any and experiences. Even with someone with a lot of experience and certification, it is still advisable to make it two pages.

So as a fresh graduate, why should yours be more than two pages. Please keep it to a maximum of two pages.

Avoid Colouring and Designs

Your curriculum vitae should have a simple design. Keep fancy design away. Do not use multi colors like an art work. Simplicity is the key. Resumes should not be colourful. It is not for art exhibition.

It is important to note that recruiters have less than 7 minutes to skim through your Curriculum Vitae. They do not need details that will distract them when skimming through the Résumé.  These things are not necessary.

Highlight your Soft Skills

Many fresh graduates are scared that they do not have skills at all. But my dear fresh graduates, you do have skills.

There are soft skills. Yes, you have soft skills or transferrable skills you can highlight in your résumé. These soft skills are often neglected. Please dear fresh do not ignore those soft skills like organisation,adaptability, positive attitude, fast learning,  excellent communication, self motivation, leadership, ability to work under pressure, Decisiveness etc.

Read Also: 5 Skills Fresh Graduates Must Acquire to Earn a Good Job

Highlight Your Experiences

Even though you are just leaving the university. There are some experiences you have acquired during university that are related to the job title or role description. Try thinking deeply about that and you will get it.  Some volunteering work you did can sum up as experience which is useful for that particular role or job title.

Do not leave these experiences out of your curriculum vitae.

Remember it is a summary of your skills, education, experiences and achievements. In your résumé make sure these words are there. They are the core recipient of a résumé.

Have a Profile Title

Having a profile title is also important. This profile title is like a heading under your name. Yes, as a fresh graduate you do not necessarily have a big profile like certified manager, Data Analyst, etc.

In your profile title, you can also highlight those transferable skills like fast learner, ability to adapt, ability to work under pressure, teamwork etc. That is just the simple truth and it is what you are really good at since you need the job.

Read Also: 5 Unhealthy Habits You Must Replace in 2020

Highlight the Keywords in the Résumé

Résumé should highlight the keywords and role description of the job that you are applying for.  It is important to understand the job title and description of the role.  Examples of such keywords are tax manager, administrative manager, etc.

So it is important you highlight such keywords in your curriculum vitae.

Knowledge is said to be powerful. Please don’t lose that job because of failure to utilize such knowledge.

General Rules of Resume / CV Writing

  • Be consistent in font style
  • Make it formal.
  • Avoid grammatical errors
  • Use a professional font style.
  • Avoid big grammar
  • Be clear
  • Keep it short and simple in order to hold the reader’s emotion.


If you need assistance in writing your resume or curriculum vitae tailored to your personality and what little achievement,skills, experiences and education as a fresh graduate. Then, Career Acada is just that organization that will give you that. Look no more further as a Career Acada your excellence is our pride.

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