Home EDUCATION FRSC: Traffic Rules And Regulations Every Driver Should Know In Nigeria

FRSC: Traffic Rules And Regulations Every Driver Should Know In Nigeria

The Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) has outlined the traffic rules and regulations which all road users are expected to know.

These rules were stipulated to ensure safety and avoid traffic congestions on the roads. Whenever you ars on the road, you should endeavor to follow these traffic rules as stipulated by the FRSC.

The accident reports gotten daily are now on an exponential increase. These cases mostly occur because the road users are unaware or ignorant of the traffic rules and regulations. Some who know the rules fail to follow them due to impatience, while some are not concerned about the repercussions their actions may yield. Road accidents are not entirely limited to individual factors; some environmental and external attributes make some contributions. Bad roads, poorly-maintained vehicles, distorted road infrastructures are catalysts to this effect. An awareness of the traffic rules would make a difference to these accident rates as the contributions of the human factor would be minimalized if not entirely ruled out.


Should you follow these simple rules below, the risk of involving in a traffic collision is surely minimized.

Below we some of the traffic rules which everyone ought to know

  1. Keep to your track: As a driver, continue on the same lane and the right side of the road as you have started. Do not wheel your vehicle to the middle of the road, or the track supposed for an incoming vehicle when there is a jam in traffic. Most cases of head-on collisions are due to this factor.
  • The careful handling of turns to avoid swerving: Every driver who passed through driving training wild knows this as a rule of thumb. You are to slow down when meeting a sharp bend, reversing even at a T-junction.
  • Move slowly and more carefully when there is traffic congestion: It is advised that you are even more vigilant when trying to make your way through the traffic as there are other drivers who may have the same lane if thought as you do.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit: No one wants security operatives or Vehicle Inspection Officers tailing their cars for non-obvious reasons. This is why you need to respect the rules of traffic and follow the outlined speed limit on each road. The fine for driving a vehicle without a speed limiting device is ₦50,000 (Police is your friend, but not when you’ve got to pay a fine).
  • Keep a decent distance from the vehicles around you: This is the cause of side and rear-ends collisions as the adjacent vehicles do not keep to a measurable safe distancing.
  • Have an awareness of the road signs, and adhere to them: This is of course a must for all.

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