Home CAREER Basic Steps To Going About Career Change

Basic Steps To Going About Career Change

In this post, we talk about basic steps to going about career change.

Sandra finished with a very good grade in school and went on to get a nice paying job.

Few months down the line she discovered she was going to the office because she had to earn a living that is, she was not enjoying her career path.


She wished she had another offer from another company so she could “escape” from her job. This is the storyline for a lot of people but the main question is “do you need a career change or company change”? This and more are what you need to know before considering a career change.

Simplicable defined Career Change as the process of taking on a role that differs from your recent work experience.

This includes involuntary changes driven by circumstances and change that are pursued to improve quality of life, job satisfaction or remuneration.

The fact that you are been stressed at work or overburden does not mean you should change job description, it might just be that you need time off.

Career change comes when you feel you are not working up to your maximum capacity or you think you have a natural ability that will make you do better in some certain role.

According to the definition, it is a process, it must be deliberately mapped out for it to be successful, It can take as long as two (2) to seven (7) years to materialize.

Planning career change is due to a lot of reasons namely:

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  • To improve take home
  • To fulfill the purpose
  • Inherent skills
  • To be your own boss

So we have four (4) basic steps to look at when changing career path, these and more will be highlighted in the coming paragraphs.

Steps to Career Change

Weighing Career Options: The first question you will ask your self is what do I enjoy doing that can bring money to the table? This is important because, in as much as your passion will drive you to quickly get better at the job, the financial aspect will sustain you.

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The essence of this part mainly is to get an idea of what you will likely discuss with counselors and mentors, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses.

Field Research: if you have gotten what you want to do the next phase for you is asking people in that field pertinent questions like what course should I take, what was your challenges, and all.

Building your Cv/Resume: Most of the jobs out there needs a level of professionalism which is only through proper education you can get it.

Taking courses, attending seminars, symposiums, workshops, and getting help online are ways by which you can build your cv. It is not even a bad option if you can get a professional to write your CVs and cover letters.

Actual Job Hunting: Registering in sites like Jobberman and updating your LinkedIn page is a welcome development. Talking to contacts you have built from classes and seminars too is another way.

You can as well try out your LinkedIn contact. You won’t understand wonders LinkedIn can do in your life until you try reaching out to your contacts.

Your next messiah might be closer to you. So when considering career change try and speak up to friends and family.


Conclusively, there is a need to do an inward retrospection if you really need to change career because the sole aim of getting another jo is to make life easy for you, fulfillment and maybe better pay if all these are not achieved the nee, would have been defeated.

However, resigning from your job without getting anyone might dangerous so it is advised to do online courses and part-time programs so as not to lose the one you have because a bird at hand is worth more than two in the bush.

If you have question or you want to share your opinion with us. Do endeavor to use comment column below.

Thank you.

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